The weather has done what good weather always does, which is put everyone in a good mood. Everywhere I go, people are smiling, laughing, basking in the sunlight. Life is good.
I didn't have class on Tuesday, just work, which meant I spent all of Monday and Tuesday doing absolutely nothing and loving it. I had some homework to catch up on from missing class for Italy, but it was nothing major and easily finished.
Wednesday was St. Patrick's Day, and many of my friends spent the whole day painting faces, drinking beer, and playing the tin whistle in the park, but I had class and then I was sleepy, so I did nothing to celebrate the joyous occasion. Oh well, there's always next year :)
Thursday was just a normal Thursday and Friday I was supposed to go to Paris to meet Holly, my friend who I saw last weekend in Italy, and some of her fellow Benedictine study abroad-ers, but I realized Thursday evening that I had clicked the wrong option for my train tickets and that I wouldn't be able to pick them up at the station because I paid with an American debit card (you can buy them with American cards, but in order to be able to pick them up at a kiosk at the train station you have to have paid with a European chip card--I usually just have mine mailed to me in order to avoid that problem, but this time I accidentally did not.) Since it's significantly more expensive to buy a ticket to Paris the day of departure, it just didn't make sense for me to buy a new ticket just to spend one day in Paris, so I had to miss out on their company. I was sad to miss them, but glad I was able to get a refund on my train tickets, and I think they still had a marvelous time without me :)
Friday night I saw a Polish film called Tatarak; it was in Polish with French subtitles and it was very interesting. I liked it.
Saturday afternoon, Chantelle, Cari, and I wandered a bit and came across a little bar with a great band playing outside...they were great performers and people were dancing and clapping and loving every minute of their was excellent.
[my ginormous window, where i like to sit and absorb beautiful weather while also getting productive things like homework done]
[my "balcony"...more like a footrest, i think]
[annnndddd...what i see from said window]
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