30 March 2010

And it's still the greatest...the greatest.

500 points if you can name that song.
Because, if you can, you will know what we were listening to during the moment of this photograph. I think it's my favorite I've taken in France. Wine bottle microphone (empty and shared by all), laughter, dancing, good music...no complaints :)


  1. How about Kings of Leon, Sex on Fire.
    Do I win more of that chocolate that you sent?

  2. AH! I was so sure I was being sly and clever with that title! But yes, more chocolate coming your way :) Did you have a favorite kind?

  3. I was just kidding, one thing that we DON'T need is more chocolate.
    Enjoy and learn all you can during your visit. Travel is such a learning experience.
    I was with your Mom, Dad and Maddy last week, and Brett and his family the week before. It is always a happy and sad time when I see you all. I think of how proud your Gfather would be.
